
Who Uses Laundrette Service?

Who Uses Laundrette Service?

Laundrette service, while considered a premium service, is a source of time-saving activity for many individuals. We observed that many people nowadays prefer dry cleaning and laundry services rather than washing their clothes at home.

We have classified five types of people who use laundry services in the UK.

1. Working category

The majority of people in the UK belong to the working class. The people in this category always have a hectic schedule. Most of them work in shifts, making it difficult for them to spare time to clean their dirty clothes, and the remaining get too tired to cook. So, they end up with a dry cleaner and a hogged-up pile of clothes to get the job done.

2. Parenting category

The people falling into this category are already tired and sleep-deprived. Their child crying all night and the entire day running behind them make it difficult to find time to sit and clean their laundry. You see, the initial stages of parenthood are not that glorious. So, laundry and dry cleaning services are no less than a gift to them. They not only clean but also iron and fold the clothes.

3. Studying category

The younger class of individuals, known as students, are the laziest of all when it comes to doing launderette. They are already burdened with school/college homework and assignments, which consume most of their time. Students living together or alone often just end up procrastinating about doing their laundry. So they go hunting for the best dry cleaners nearby to wash and fold their clothes.

4. Travelling category

The people in this category frequently keep moving from one place to another, making them regular customers of dry cleaners. When they travel and take a halt somewhere, the first thing they do is avail of the laundromat service. Travellers are the premium customers of dry cleaners. Even after returning from the trip, dry cleaning and laundry are their top priorities. From clothing to luggage bags, they end up giving everything to a laundromat.

5. Hospitality category

The daily flow of customers and visitors makes it difficult to manage the backend tasks. Backend activities here do cost a good amount, and companies do not prefer spending on these activities, so they choose to outsource most of the tasks, launderette being one of them. Having a laundromat service nearby helps them save on employee man-hours and is a cost-effective source.


Dry cleaning is almost everyone’s preferred method of doing laundry in the United Kingdom. Who doesn’t desire to have a clean and well-maintained wardrobe? Maintaining the quality of the clothes they were first given and the quilt they use to sleep in every day can be a task. Washing them the normal way would harm their quality and shine, making them dull and unattractive. So, people end up at the dry cleaner desk with their pile of clothes.

Broadway Dry Cleaners has proven to be the number one choice for washing, cleaning, ironing, and folding the laundry dropped off by our customers.

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